Hola mundo

Soy Julia y este es mi blog. En él iré colgando las cosas que vaya haciendo (dibujos, cómics, viñetas) o que me gusten.

jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010

En el siglo XIX

Estos dibujos los hice hace poco pensando en los niños pobres y ricos del siglo XIX.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Julia!!
    You have been awarded with ‘It's worth keeping an eye on that blog"’ award by Alicia author of Goldie Pinklesweet
    This award is part of an initiative that seeks to highlight the blogs of other teachers and students. The chosen blog has to copy the picture with a link to the blog from which it has received the award. Then you have to write ten more links to the blogs which are well worth a visit.
    Visit my blog to see the picture and the award http://pinklesweet.wordpress.com/
    See you tomorrow
